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Sports Honors Development's mission is to provide knowledge of the fundamentals of football to the youth. At Sports Honors Development we realize the physicality side of football, and choose not to ignore it. Instead, we have decided to make an effort to equip our youth with the necessary tools to go out and play the game in the safest way possible. It is also the mission of SHD to encourage, support, and to create a teamwork environment that builds character, discipline, and respect for one of the most loved and physical games in America.  All of the employees at SHD have played on the division one collegiate level, and possess ample amounts of knowledge of the game learned firsthand.  In order the achieve your dreams the foundation must be solid and Sports Honors Development has a passion which is shown through our motto “Champions Are Made When the Stands are Empty!” We look forward to developing your future star!
Hard work always pays off.
Hard work always pays off.